Sunday, October 18, 2009

it's been a long night

yesterday night was soooo fun !
okay like when we got there we had to set up the decorations such as the table name tags and the chocolates and the the guests started arriving and my job was to take pictures of them as they came in and i tried to say it as nicely and politely as possible but it was pretty awkward and then my dad was just like 'come, photo' and they went. maybe i should just get to the point next time. and then we had to assign them to their tables. and we had a band playing in the background and omgosh the girl singing was so good. i want her to sing at my wedding. anyways the food was so good and so much. i was so full by the third dish. and then my dads friend came and did this "this is your life" show on my dad. incase you dont know what it is, its a tv show thatlooks back on your life blah blah blah i think. i dont know google it. and then i had to make a speech. and i told my sister to laugh at mine if i laughed at hers. just in case no one laughed. and yeh i didnt get much laughs even though i laughed at hers. awkward silences arent very good. anyway i think i did okay but i spoke really slow coz i think i drank too much wine. my face was so red and it heating up and i could stand straight and i kept stubling and my hands were shaking. i felt like i was gonna faint. but i was okay :). it was pretty embarassing but i hope no one noticed. and then me and my dad salsa'd infront of everyone. and then these pro ppl came in to teach ppl who didnt noe how to salsa. they came third in this competion. they were reallyyyyy good. anyway and then we had the cake lah lah lah and the magic candles again.theyre so annoying they keep relighting! and then after we were just dancing on the dance floor. and that was really fun. and i learnt to cha cha cha !!
man that's a night i'll never forget.

anyway and then i got home at about midnight and after opening the presents and everything i finally went to bed at 2:00 am

but this morning i went to rachel's house and we played singstar, abba!! and made and ATE desserts which was like ice-cream and all crushed up chocolate like mars bars etc. like cold rock !
but i scooped all of them and i felt sick after. ooh sugar rushh. and then we put on facemasks. oh embarrasing pics on facebook.

anyways overall these past three days have been so good. and i get tomoro off.
g'nite ♥

xo p

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